Pro-AIDS Lobby Eyes Vulnerable Republicans

Breaking News:
In recent weeks, controversial Pro-AIDS lobby AIDSNOW has recently ramped up efforts to gain favor with many vulnerable Congressional Republicans in the run up to this year’s mid-term elections.
FEC filings have revealed over $30 million in donations being poured into races across the country.
In recent years, AIDS has been pushed to the brink of elimination with the WHO estimating the virus could be wiped out by 2040.
Harvey Robespierre, the outspoken head of AIDSNOW, has been vocal about their efforts to combat medical research and regulations that have seen the spread of the virus slow dramatically over the past two decades.
“We’ve seen the success of organizations like the NRA and big-oil through lobbying and want to mirror their efforts before it’s too late. All the stories by the fake MSM these days is HIV negative and we intend to make them HIV positive.”
Talk of a possible AIDS vaccine has led AIDSNOW to launch an aggressive social media donation campaign intended to thwart the efforts of the medical community.
“People criticize our attempts to proliferate the disease, but many GOP incumbents have been very receptive to our message,” stated Robespierre, “The government has increasingly meddled in the private lives of citizens and we are just saying it’s enough!”
AIDS deaths in the US have been on a steady decline since public awareness campaigns began in the late 80’s.
“It is outrageous that some can see the scourge of this disease and continue advocating for deregulation of control methods,” NIH spokesperson Walter Frankenau said in a statement.
To that Robespierre say “AIDS has killed 1/1000th as many people as guns every year, but for some reason it continues to be vilified. People can choose to abstain from unprotected sex or intravenous drug use if they want to avoid the disease, but kids don’t have a choice whether they want to go to school.”
So far, AIDSNOW claims to have secured the support of several GOP congressmen should they win their re-election bids. All have declined to comment.