Obama’s Wikipedia Entry Mysteriously Deleted by “Trump45wins”

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Last night, several internet sleuths discovered the Wikipedia entry of former President Barack Obama had mysteriously vanished from the online encyclopedia’s archive. At 5:35am, a user named “Trump45wins” logged into the community edited database and erased all information about the former president.
This comes just days after Obama’s presidential portrait was defaced in the West Wing. Some Democratic lawmakers believe President Trump is the most likely culprit, “He obviously did it. He was responsible for writing “moorun” on Obama’s portrait, and he’s clearly the one who erased the Wikipedia entry today,” said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
But White House aides brushed off accusations claiming Trump is not “a spiteful, immature, 71-year old, orange, moronic, dotard,” adding, “the President doesn’t know how to turn on a computer, let alone use one.”
But contrary to that statement, a rare photo of Trump on a computer was uncovered shortly after the hack. Known for his loathe of technology, accusers find it more than coincidental that Trump was seen using a computer at the time of the deletion.
Computer experts agree, “Trump may have been capable of the deletion,” one such expert pointed out , “Although it’s well known that he can only type very slowly with two fingers, he really only needed to poke the delete button,” upon examining the photo, “It looks like this was taken literally seconds before he did exactly that.”